Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This valentines day… I bring you only death!

Ok ok, so I’m not actually bringing you death… but I am however posting some pics from the cemetery in Oxkutzcab. One of the nice things about my job is that I get to do quite a bit of traveling through south eastern Mexico… while this can sometimes be tiresome, it is always much much much better than sitting in the office all day. Anyway, Aris and I had some business to do in the Area and we spotted this little cemetery. Thankfully I had my trusty Sony Dsc-97 with me, so we went in and took some shots. I am pretty pleased with the way some of the photos turned out, since as most things in the Yucatan the commentary was very colorful and full of neat photo opportunities. Walking through the place I found it quite interesting how much you can tell about a place from its cemeteries… hmmm food for thought I guess. Anyway here are the photos.


casandrinia said...

Hey! Chido blog! Llegue de curiosa desde el blog de aris. Bonitas fotos! Deberias de ilustrar el blog de aris, je,je

Anonymous said...

Estas fotos son buenísimas...

Carlos Rosado said...

gracias, ojala lo sigan visitando